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Good Business Is Good Business No Matter What Business

One of the consistent qualities of any good business is to have a process that is used and works time and time again. This process may include several steps and standards to help define it and often times they may work in more than one business. There are several steps we use to define our process that lead to our products showing up on time when and where expected, they are handled as promised and they look and perform to every customer specification. Another business type that may do this well is a remodeling company, or a home improvement business. The reason we might compare ourselves to this industry is they are in the remodeling business and we are in the refurbishing business. More people are familiar with remodeling so it is a good analogy to use when explaining our business. If you are remodeling your bathroom you can relate to how things are cleaned up and then changed to make it new or like new. In our business of selling point of sale equipment we do the same thing.

We start with a rigorous and thorough refurbishing and many times an overhaul that ensures the quality of the point of sale equipment. If you were to have a kitchen remodeled you would expect it to have a new sink, new replacement windows, new tile on the floor and maybe new appliances. It's the same thing for a refurbished bar code reader or other point of sale equipment. Like when having a total kitchen renovation completed in your home, we use the latest tools and techniques to ensure your satisfaction when you decide to buy refurbished equipment. We use diagnostic tools, cleaning technologies, painting techniques and packaging innovations to create a "like new" point of sale product for your business. This process of high quality progresses through every stage of the flow including but not limited to paying attention to detail in asset management, packaging innovations, shipping and finally installing the point of sale equipment. Our process ends when the customer and their employees are satisfied with their newly refurbished point of sale equipment and the equipment has been maximized.

Many companies strive for this level of customer satisfaction and will buy new to ensure them of a high standard and that the equipment will work consistently with good quality for quite awhile. We offer that same confidence with our refurbished equipment due to our targeted processes. We can provide a high level of confidence in buying refurbished equipment and will gladly share our process with you and your company. We aim to fill your need no matter what your budget. One way to do that is to build your confidence in our capability of providing cost effective solutions that may include new and used equipment. Just like when you remodel your home, you don't buy a new house every time as it isn't cost effective and it's built to last, it just needs to be upgraded and/or cleaned up to make it appear shiny and new. Let us do the same for any point of sale equipment you may need.

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